Reading Revelation
I open Your mighty Word
and flip the pages with eagerness,
but then,
I stop…
there is one book left
that I have tried
Confusion, doubt, and fear creep in,
but then,
I hear
a tender whisper:
“This is my Word, too,”
so I press on
into confusion, doubt, and fear
and read.
Oh what beauty!
I see You Lord!
You are in control,
and You desire,
and delight,
in my worship.
Your Word challenges me,
and reminds me,
worship is war.
Worship is war.
So who,
or what,
am I worshipping?
I cling to the throne
where flashes of lightning,
and peals of thunder
come from.
The One on this throne
is in control.
And, my God, that is You.